Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Balthasar plants a tree today.

So I've decided to participate to this initiative with the Balthasar blog as well but the post has to be in Italian.


Volevo far conoscere questa iniziativa

Offerte Doveconviene.it amiche dell'ambiente

dichiarando che il proprio blog e' a impatto zero, e mettendo un bottone al lato, "doveconviene" pianta un albero gratis presso Goswiz (aderendo a loro volta all'iniziativa "Iplantatree").

basta seguire le istruzioni, mettere il bottone e il gioco e' fatto.

In short by declaring that the blog has impact zero on the environment, putting the button to the side and sending an email, these people up here will plant a tree for me near Goswick.
This is the original project.

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