Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy Holidays

Happy New Year guys.

2016 marks the end of The Pirate Balthasar as Kane passes the baton to Cain.

I hope you enjoyed the promo: The Mark of Cain ne will officially begin on January 1st.

We do not say goodbye for good to Kane and his crew though, I will release some short stories on special occasions - I will make sure to keep you posted and inform you in advance when a new story is coming.

 Happy 2017.

And in general : Happy Holidays guys! I wanted to thank those of you who stuck around in 2016 and enjoyed my stories, giving me words of encouragement during difficult times and lots of luuuuv’.

I wish you happy holidays and Happy New Year. May 2017 be good to you all.

Hopefully part of that good stuff coming your way in 2017 is The Mark of Cain (my upcoming comic. hahahah


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