Monday, December 30, 2013

4th anniversary - the stuff I haven't shown you

Hi guys,
The fourth anniversary is approaching - January 19th is around the corner - and I know you guys are busy but here are a set of activities I had in mind to have fun together with the minimum effort.

1) Create a Character: The Gem of the Mediterranean Sea will have some new characters - mostly people living in Circe's palace: create a character -drawn or in written form - and we'll put the most voted ones into the story. (just so you know this is how Nicoli was born too - in fact Long Overdue is part of the Project Balthasar)

2) The best Fan Fiction: over the year we've received and read many sweet stories related to the pirate balthasar: vote for the best one and I will turn it into a comic. (btw you are still on time to enter a brand new idea into this competition)

3) The stuff I haven't shown you: there were moments in the story whereby instead of showing you everything I jumped somewhere else (Kes and Wes' wedding was one of them). Do you want to know what Kane told Castalia at the end of chapter 8 when the boys were spying on them? Do you want to know how the doctor found Priscilla? Did you ever wonder what happened the night Rose wandered off and found Jack? You name it! this is a "I always wanted to know what happened... then!" - basically a pirate Balthasar uncut :D

4) The funky request: this will begin on January first and will be part of my "1doodleaday" exercise... so you have to put up your request in fast. 
I am still working on some of the stuff from the to do list:  steampunk (rock-o-co Lio),  character as badass pirates (emoking) were completed and am slowly writing in the rest in the comic. So think Doodle and you can go really really specific and very crazy with your request.

so what do you say?
Are you game?


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