Saturday, November 09, 2013

Extra characters fan art

Since the last time I posted some fan art... I received three more pieces. I want to share them with you because I really like to see how much you guys like secondary characters or little details.

This is Ahr, well he is not really a secondary character but he is quite new.
This drawing is by PapillonsPede you can visit this piece on deviant art and leave some nice feedback.

This is a picture of Penelope whose terrible singing abilities shone at the end of Daddy Home for Christmas.
This drawing is by koorihimesama who sent me this picture for my birthday.

The last drawing sees Andromeda with Lorenzo - I kinda miss Lorenzo - and Lorenzo's wife.
If you click on Myridd's name - the author of this drawing - you can also read the delightful fan fiction she wrote about this picture.

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