Thursday, September 19, 2013

The extra pages game

Ahoy ye scurvy dogs!
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Since today is a special day, better than any birthday, I wanted to start a new game with you: the extra pages game.

Here's my premises: Volume 6 of The Pirate Balthasar will be taken entirely by Long Overdue and its little specials.
Overall the story and its specials occupy 160 pages.

I might be able to slip in "Circes" which is the following special then again... maybe not hahaha because I haven't counted the pages yet but I have a feeling it won't go over 20 pages.

So here's where the game comes in: I would like to make this volume 190 pages. 

How about we make a game where we pick the best fan arts to be put at the end of the volume (with links to the original author's page)? 

If you are game say "aye"!

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