Monday, June 10, 2013

Piko the toad headed agama

Some people have been asking about Piko.
He is a toad headed (or toad head) agama probably the Arabian kind... haven't drawn him with a black tail so he might not be a black tail agama hahaha.

Anyway we don't have these kinds of babies here in Singapore (nor in Italy) but there are plenty of agamids on school grounds and just today I dropped my lunch and conversation halfway (leaving my poor friend hanging) because I spotted one by the pond.

I love running after lizards. As soon as it saw me it curled its tail and became very territorial and then smiled.
I always tell my students: when they smile, run!

Agamas are like the reptile version of grumpy cat, particularly this kind.
When upset it kinds frills up a bit and so it looks like it's smiling or laughing, then suddenly has this serious expression on its face.

You should look for videos on youtube. They are funny!

Initially I was thinking of a gecko... because I have 4 in my house (wild ones) but these are more fun.

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