Saturday, December 22, 2012

Secret Santa Updates.

Hre's a list of the presents that have already been delivered to me:

1) Cat and Callista fan fiction
2) Cat and Callista fan art
3) A poem about Pifo
4) Picture of martin and pea
5) Another picture of Martin and pea
6) Picture of Cat and Callista

7) Picture of Tora
8) Picture of Sara or Selan

Still waiting to be delivered:

1) Kane and Castalia comic (on its way though)
2) Martin in uniform
3) I would like to see some ugly pirate who wouldn't be just comic relief or villain. or some really cool landscape scenario, with city explosions and ship battles...
4) Kane or a picture of a smile
5) Martin and Pea (I got lost, how many do we have?)

6) A drawing of Jewel rodger
7) A drawing of sith trainee

8 done, 7 more to go! :D
How are we faring my little Secret Santas?

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