Monday, January 30, 2012

Family tree

First curiosity of this week... the family tree.

So practically it was my fault when I wrote down the whole speech for Kane I forgot an extra "great", hence the confusion as one of the generation got lost between the lines.

Same happened with the Italian as I should have used bis-bisnonno! In the end I just put "ancestor" in both languages but a family tree should fix all the problems.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful family tree! :D

  2. Perciò Kane e Castalia sarebbero parenti, in un lontanissimo grado xD

  3. sì, in un lontanissimo grado è la frase giusta hahaha.

    Mi pare che per legge dopo il quarto non si calcoli manco più il legame di sangue... o forse valeva solo per i matrimoni tra consangunei?
