Tuesday, December 06, 2011

February! - the pirate way -

And here we go with the second page of our calendar (some of you might have seen everything already by clicking on the link to zazzle) anyway I still like to play the advent game... you guys get any of those advent calendars? I guess it's more of a German thing. I usually go to German grocery stores to buy one... it's the perfect countdown to Christmas (of course it starts on the first day of december and we started a little bit late). Basically the calendar is a chocolate box with dates on and for every day of December you open and cut out the date and the chocolate is hiding underneath. So you get a piece of chocolate every day until Christmas day arrives. Okay so maybe a calendar is really not... chocolate... I did put a lot of work in it and I hope you like it. :D

On another hand today I had a piece of chocolate of my own when I realized that the comic is on the first page of the most popular comic on Smack Jeeves! Thanks guys! :D This is awesome! By the way the Santa list is updates: I seek fanfiction volunteers now XDDDD

1 comment:

  1. FarStar5:58 AM

    Oh, I love advent calendars, but haven't had one for some time. Mostly because they don't give us with any new images recently and/or they are somewhat not too pretty! (And I know all images/shapes of chocos from top of my head already.)
    That had me puzzled, too, till now (the cloth pulling). xD
