Friday, November 11, 2011

The Drunk Duck Award is oursssss!

The title of the post is a link to the actual page so.... where do I begin?
I really did not see this coming, I was, once again, up against some tough tough, super tough competition.

But hey... the shallalas are running around the house shouting: it's oursssss!
And I think I'm one of them, at the moment, I still cannot think properly and my acceptance speech might have sucked big time.

I really really love the presentation, it's hilarious and theJimmy truly rocks!
And I am still at loss for words so I'll metabolize the news a little longer before I start doing anything about it, also because, I don't really know what to do now except join the shallalas!


  1. Major, MAJOR congrats to you, Deda! I LOVE your comic and I follow it daily. You have such a wonderful talent, plus you really seem to like us readers! Thanks for working so hard to post daily updates. Making comics is tough, but you work really hard. So thanks, Matey! ^_D/ *eheh..that's supposed to be an eyepatch...or something. meh.

    I wanna draw Balthasar Fanarts now. .3.

  2. Joanna3:06 AM


    P-A-R-T-Y!!!!!!!!!!!! 8DDDDDD

    Congratulations, the story definitely deserves this award!!!

  3. Lauand4:05 AM



  4. Dedacy, scrivo in italiano perché con il mio inglese stentato non riuscirei a esprimere al meglio i miei complimenti. Complimenti! (ehm, non che in italiano me la sia cavata meglio...).
    Scherzi a parte, sono davvero felice che tu abbia vinto visto che te lo meriti tutto. E credimi, soprattutto da queste parti, raramente accade che chi vince davvero meriti. Per cui, tanti complimenti a te, al tuo talento e alla tua ciurma.
    Ah, visto che ci sono ne approfitto: ho pensato ad una voce per il contest, appena scopro come si chiama il doppiatore in questione te la posto. Ovviamente per gli shallalini, io li immagino con le vocine degli Ururu sarara XD

  5. Canadian fan6:33 AM

    Congratulations! I recently discovered your comic and I read through it in less than a week! I really like your art and your story. You are so talented! You truly deserve this award and much more! YAY again!
