Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mermaid WIP

As you may see I am laying down the color scheme now but I am not painting the figures yet.
In fact I am creating a matte painting for the Background first.

But I thought you'd be interested in knowing that this will be my longest illustration ever and I have decided to apply some of the stuff I had to do for work (and do not like to do) to this illustration while producing my fast ones on the side (since those are more fun to do, for me, although quite not as flashy and/or attention grabbing according to internet standards).

So you might see this by the end of september (or for my birthday XDD) because it will take hundreds of hours I'm afraid.

But in the meantime I'll pick up and XXI set and finish off with Pifo and Quoque... as soon as my hand is back to normal. (yes, it's that time of the year again, where my arm hurts from scapula to pectoral and the pain shoots down to the pinky).

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