Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We're finalists on the SJ Awards!

Good morning, everyone!
I was going to post something a bit unrelated today, because Aardman studios has finished a new Pirate movie done with the stop motion technique and I wanted to show you the trailer but.... when I went to SJ to upload the page I found this wonderful message:

Hello and congratulations on your comic being a finalist for this year's Official Smack Jeeves Awards! Your comic, The Pirate Balthasar, is a finalist for Best Romance!

Imagine my surprise! O_o

I did not know anybody nominated me for anything (actually I am very bad with contests and stuff because I never pay enough attention to directions and deadlines, hahahaha) but...


I think this is one of the best signs of appreciation I could ever get and if positive feedback was ever positive: this is it!

Now I need to prepare an image 350x350 for the actual SJ page (I know most of you would want to see Cat in it! Ha ha ha). I only have 4 days to do this... so we better come up with ideas fast.

Anyways... stick around as I will be posting the colored version of Pea and Martin in about 6 hours! :D


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Congratulations, Deda! You really do deserve it. ^_^

  2. Vulpini10:30 PM

    Congratulations, Deda! You really do deserve it. Your comic is so much fun!

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

