Thursday, April 14, 2011

The super gift!

I received a wonderful gift from my friend Noppakao, the other day.
She designed these little pirates for me (as you can see she is totally Disney material, not to mention she taught at Cal Arts!).

I was so blown away by these that I had to sit down with her and ask her for a little tutorials.

She can paint and draw with any kind of material (except for digital)... the difference to me, between digital and hands on coloring is always impressive. Being one eyed only, even the most beautifully rendered, the most tridimensional and sleek looking digital painting... will always look flat to me.

For some reason these pop out of the paper. Her values are super good! *_*

So she did this portrait of me, to show me how she does it... in 10 minutes. I've decided I want to make a t-shirt with this drawing.
So when I wear this clothes I will have a t-shirt of me wearing this clothes and it will be like an Inception... or better yet a meta-sculpture, on of those living pop art one! *_*

This looks like me more than any picture of me ever did! Hahahahahahah!

In the end I tried a little bit too and we ended up drawing cows.

So this is Holy Cow Rose Moo on top of a Noppacow, with umbrella.
I think the just the name of the piece deserves to see it displayed in a museum of contemporary art.
The name is a masterpiece in itself hahahahaha.

Anyway this only shows how I need to get better because I picked colors that were too dark to begin with and could not add too much light and shadows after that.

But she made me want to do things with my hands again. So I will be sitting in two classes next semester, with my students, as a student: Visual Development and Intro to Comic.
The semester starts on monday. I can't wait! :D

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