Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fixing the keel

Alright mates, I am fixing the keel today, which means (and you might have noticed) that the blog is undergoing some changes.

Please don't be discouraged by the new looks... everything is still here! It's just that I cannot keep it all on one page, it can be pretty confusing.

1) I am adding new navigation buttons.
Hopefully this will help navigating through the site and things can be found in an easier way. The buttons are right at the top of the page, very visible.

2) A lot of stuff will move under the "treasure" section.
Now if you are a real pirate you can understand what I am talking about. Your fan fictions will go under the treasure section as well because they are my joy and my jewel. I will also add your fan arts because I think they are amazing! (I want to give you guys a better visibility).

3) The blog will look more like a blog and the comic will move in the "comic" section of the site.
Blogs usually have a type of content that moves fast and disappears in a couple of days.
I think by putting everything in a proper section I will reach my goal of keeping a safe and visible archive so that people doesn't have to look for things: games, fan arts, fan fictions, polls, avatars, banners.

Some things will be nested. I can be frustrating, but this always happens when the content of a website becomes truly huge. And this family is getting bigger and bigger by the day! :D Which is awesome... and I think it deserves a better treatment.
I have been scolded by superior beings for being so messy in my content and layout (and for duplicating contents).

I am adding more freebies here and am updating the galleries as well.

The Artbook will be available for download and browsing on the blog very soon.

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