Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5 senses - touch

Before I move onto more fanarts (both from me and others) and the release itself, which is coming up really soon, by the way, I want to finish the set of illustrations dedicated to the 5 senses.

Oooh when it comes to touch there is no doubt about it: Kane and Castalia are all touchy-feely. No surprise here, right?

She slips her fingers under his mask... he slips his hands on her back... and whether the time is right or not they are always wrapped around each other - but not in a cheesy way, more on a level of proximity that is equal to zero, since the very beginning. They way they sit or talk to each other is very uncommon and unique to a language that is all their own.

So for touch, here we go the Balthasars themselves!

I am taking into consideration the 7 deadly sins as the next theme and also somebody suggested to see pregnancy pictures (I have a perfect model for that, right now XDDD) and then I'll see one by one the other requests as I'm basically also a little ahead with the Fan Fic illustration (although I skipped two to go directly to the Peter Pan one... and am only left withe Pride and Prejudice and Pinocchio). So yeah... expect to see Pifo Gaga Over the Rainbow soon XDDD

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