Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tic tac in pencil.

Long time no post a pencil tic tac... this is not for the coming up issue, but for the one after...

Let's see who can guess what's going on? :D


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    That looks like Josh. Judging by the doc's expression, Josh must have created trouble again~ Maybe he kissed Kes! Perhaps that why the doc's so mad! Hopefully the sharks won't get him XD
    Btw, is the makeover chapter coming up soon? I'm curious cause base on the storyboard summary, the recent chapters doesn't match.
    I'm looking forward to the chap and I have an inkling who's going to have a new look ^^

  2. I'm taking a stab at it... Wes is punishing Josh for his habit, and Kes and Pifo both think it's rather extreme... Kes and Wes are quarreling again, and Pifo's trying to rescue Habel (I assume he's forgiven him now)... now one question: what prompted this? Was Dr. Fynn avenging Pifo, or did Habel try planting one on Kes, too?

  3. I'm thinking poor Pifo would be the only one trying to hold Josh up, and his light weight can't support it forever... ooh, I hope someone can save them...

  4. yes, all the releases shifted by about 20 pages.

    So the makeover is coming up at the end of this chapters.

    I shall fix all the summaries soon.
