Friday, September 17, 2010

Too darn hot 3

As I promised here's the third Too Darn hot.
It came out too smooth and almost looking like a chapbook cover hahahahaha.
I realized only this morning... that I did not put the brush tip in my wacom's pen but the hard design tip and that is why things came out smooth!

In a way the fluffiness I don't mind but it does not match the others' style. It does look like a chapbook cover... Fabio anyone? hahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Ma nooo, che Fabio d'Egitto XD.
    No man titties, pliz.
    E poi, scusa, nelle chapbook covers sono tutti sul leccatissimo andante e con certe faccette da c**o in genere, o sbaglio? :p
    Dài dài, che li hai fatti carini e madreperlosi imperlati al punto giusto XD.
