If you go read it you'll see that the first Lio I had in mind was quite a boring character. Also Foxy was supposed to be more of a hygiene freak, forcing Cat to keep the ship spotless.
Eventually, when you start storyboarding, characters write themselves and totally surprise you.
So the doctor, being a doctor, became the hygiene freak and Foxy remained a regular hypochondriac.
Now Lio... she was not supposed to be the way she is at all. She was supposed to be the total opposite/compensation for Foxy so the dialogues between the two would have been mostly: are you alright? No, I am dying! Do you feel okay? No, I think I got infected by something.
In a long run this kind of stuff become boring and characters never develop depth.
Sure they fell in another routine of "yohoo, I jump you!" but there are more variations on the theme to come and I get to play with that a little more. Besides the story grows up and develops.
Now... I still had in mind to have one of the sisters be a men eater. In my first idea she would manage to kiss every single member of the crew... but then I thought it would be too much of a clone of Taddea (a character in another story I wrote) and I don't like to repeat things, I run out of ideas too.
Anyways Pea was supposed to be that girl but then she would not be a likeable character at all and I already have Pifo as a comical relief (even though I will not keep him always in that spot).
At one point I thought Pifo could do that - kiss 'em all - and rank the best kisser too XDD.
Lio kinda jumped on Foxy when I was sketching the scene of the mouse... I clearly thought: these two will never make it, she has to jump him. That's when she sucked his finger! XD
Anyways... I just came here to ask one thing today: would you like to interview any of the characters?
One of my friends said: I would like to ask the girls what's the favorite feature or body part in the boy they are involved with.
I think I'll use her question in the freetalk... but would you like to add some questions too? Let me know.
Capisco perfettamente!
ReplyDeleteI personaggi di una storia ad un certo punto hanno vita propria, anche al di là di quello che tu avevi inizialmente progettato per loro...
Semplicemente, iniziano a muoversi da soli.
E' capitato anche a me, quando ho scritto delle storie (niente che sia degno di esser letto), quindi ti capisco! I personaggi stanno prendendo pieghe interessanti, comunque! ^^
Per le domande... uhm... provo a pensarci, se mi viene in mente qualcosa ti faccio sapere! :)