Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another naked guy!

flash Josh Habel dress up doll by ~Dedasaur on deviantART

Another dollie for me mateys! One more girl and 3 more guys and we are done!
Actually I have to show you this... while I was drawing the Illustrator file and making his clothes... I turned on and off a couple of layers layers, right, and this came out:

Wahahahah so kinky! I was rolling on my desk laughing like an idiot!
Anyways, what's up with the pose. Naughty boy, are you checking out if your little friend Peppiniello is still alive? Well, you might have circulatory problems if you wear tight pants, you know... you might even go blind! XDD
Ah, boys will be boys... so err... Kane's little friend has a name too.
Why? It's a guy thing, I guess... I am not going to ask them crazy questions so if you wanna know about that kind of stuff you ask them yourself!
I'm sure a couple of them will be glad to answer (especially Kane and the Doctor, they are the boasting kind). I'll make sure the others will answer as well, because I'm an evil lizard.
Are you an evil lizard, Fickle?
<_3_>___l Fffff, I'm fleeping, don't bug me, just vote for me!


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Please tell me I'm not being roundaboutedly commissioned dirty questions and anthropomorphized pirate!cocks portraits (even if the latter ones are allowed on DA. Hmm...) =w= .

    Ah, what the hell, I've made a fool of myself anyway... little guys names guesses (on crack). Banzai! :
    1) Kane: Casimiro/Willie/Treasure <<;;
    2)Wes: Isaac/Solomon/Melchisedec(Melchie XD)
    3)Foxy: Jules/Armand
    4)Cat: Tartufo/Obelisk ^_^;;;

    Questions:a a) did I guess some of the names? XD
    b) do some of all of you shave them? I know Arabic doctors were in favour of the practice for hygienic reasons. (Ah, the things one learns studying the Crusades... XD)

  2. LOL No no, no anthropomorphized little richards! Hahahahha
    LOL at Cat's name! XDDDDD

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Ehm... ho 'battezzato' Cat? Spero mi perdoni, povero ciccio ^_^;

  4. No. no, Cat รจ meno originale col suo amico hahahaha.
