Wednesday, May 12, 2010

tic tac 8!

I am finally done cleaning up and scanning and so I am finally editing!

Please let's give a round of applause to my little helper - who scanned all the pages I was drawing while I was drawing.
This is my dad, Mario, who learned at 72 how to use a scanner and photoshop and makes wonderful scans of my drawings for the Pirate Balthasar!

So once again, as you can see, I am late =_= and it is not because of work or health problems... No!
This time around I was dumb enough to calculate I could draw 15 pages in the same time span I can draw 10 or 12 pages... and made them pretty crowded too! XDD

So I hope you have rss feeds to Smackjeeves or just keep on coming here to hear me blabber about silly things hahahaha... but I really have to make the first page in full color and you'll see why when the installment is out! ^__^/

1 comment:

  1. Un applauso a tuo padre!!! ^^
    Il mio non arriva ai 60 e per quante volte gli abbia spiegato come usare lo scanner, non impara mai... negatissimo con le nuove tecnologie, si incarta anche col il telecomando della tv...LOL
