Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fan art!


Yes, we have fan art!
Actually this is more of a present from my friend Elianthos who adopted the comic right away and loved it like nurturing mother would!

She is the one who suggested adding The Pirate Balthasar on smackjeeves... and I'll never thank her enough (so I am paying her in Nature with a fan service drawing XD).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    'azz, gli stivali di Josh dovrebbero arrivare sopra il ginocchio *headdesk* .
    E mi rendo conto adesso di quanto lo abbia reso simile ad Allen di Escaflowne, solo tinto e col naso a misura d'uomo *headdesk*. Neanche mi stava simpatico Allen ;_; . Josh, perdonami T_T , tu saresti così menkui-abile T_T.
    Per il resto... cosa sarebbe un dono se sprovvisto di pacco? :p
    *batte le posate sul tavolo* more fanservice plìììììs, la 'nurturing mother' qui presente ha fame XD
