Wednesday, February 03, 2010


The boatswain

Height: 5,6 feet tall.
Age: around 20 years old
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: green/golden

He looks like an unrefined and rude guy but he has a very good heart. His duty is to keep the deck and the crew in order - the crew fears him due to his skin color.

He is friendly but stern and finds it hard to integrate with the rest of the crew.
He can be stingy with money but not with feelings.
Kane has found him in very sad circumstances, he set him free and gave him a new name, a new life and serenity.

When he meets Callista he finally finds someone who doesn't see walls and respects him for what he is able to do.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's a little early to tell, but I'm already in love with this character. Maybe it's for his intense gaze... or his hairstyle, who knows. You've drawn him in a very intriguing way.
    (I don't know why I'm commenting in English ... well, nevermind, I can say extremely silly things even in my mother language so it's the same, I think...)
