Sunday, April 14, 2013

Il Pirata Baldassarre - Andromeda!

Ecco qua, tutto in un boccone, lo specialone su Andromeda e il gatto diagonale! Buona lettura.

The Pirate Balthasar - Andromeda!

Here we go, ready to be read in one go and available for download on issuu.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Come rubare una nave - Completo

Ecco qua, sistemati tutti gli errorini, il file รจ disponibile per essere scaricato anche nel sito (anche in Buona lettura :D

The Pirate Balthasar - How to steal a ship :D

Alirght, I managed to update the download page as well (you can also download from now) so all the recent specials have been fixed (no more typos) and uploaded on the website :D

Saturday, April 06, 2013

How to steal a ship and other specials on dropr

I am trying a new system for online hosting because scribd's resolution compressed the images too much and the comics were to hard to read. I discovered dropr, which I love to bits, and so now thanks to this new feature not only the comic updates daily on the home page for but I get to host the comic in the Balthasar log in a much fancier way. So far this is the solution for the English hosting of the comic for the Italian version Shockdom is still the best solution.