Saturday, June 30, 2012

Volume 5 ready for download.

Hello guys, it took me a while to complete it with all the necessary missing files but volume 5 is ready for download.

You can find it in the right column of the blog  (this one ------>) under Recent Plunders.

It's a pdf format.

I will soon upload it on Scribd and will be therefore available on Balthasar's Log (Our Archive)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Storm - page 10

We ought to hear their side of the story too... right?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Special 1 - The Storm

This story takes place right after Westely started taking care of Cassandra's back and before he pat pat her behind.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Some previews.

Let's see if some preview might interest you.

I already posted this in its own blog  (the blog will also host the comic).

The Pirate's Wife series start on June the 30th/July 1st (I am currently drawing page 3).

Itzak is around 25/35 pages long and that will cover us for almost a year.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What happens next?

Alright after you digested the ending a bit, I wanted you to savor it, it's time to talk about what happens next.
First all of did you catch the references on page 45? What chapter were those lines from? :D
Anyways, these are my plans for the immediate future :D

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Il Pirata Baldassarre - FINE

Ecco il finale, ragazzi, la storia si conclude qui. Fa uno strano effetto. Certo è vero che continuerò a postare altre cosine ma è pur sempre una pietra miliare, la conclusione di un arco o di una saga, no? Bene, proverò a compilare il quinto volume e metterlo in download domani, se tutto va bene. Spero che vi siate divertiti a leggerlo quanto io mi sono divertita a disegnarlo. Ma non ve ne andate eh, ci sono un altro paio di capitoletti di extra, scene tagliate e cose varie che vi faranno sorridere.

The Pirate Balthasar - THE END

This is it... the end of the comic. (sure I have more things to come but this arc is complete). I hope you enjoyed it reading it as much as I had fun drawing it. Stick around for more crazy works from yours truly and... I will be trying to compile the volume tomorrow and upload it in the download section.

We have a name!

Congrats Marigold you found a name!

Thank you all for participating in our last little game for this comic.

(I kinda liked Hazel because it reminded me of the Witch from those very old Duffy Duck cartoons hahahaha)

Anyways, we will be seeing a bit more of Marigold in The Pirate's Wife!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Coming Soon

This drawing was found in an ancient book and it's one of the representations of the witch Circes and her mysterious daughter Gemma. You'll meet them in: Adventures of the Pirate Balthasar.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Il Pirata Baldassarre - Intermezzo

Ho calcolato male la data di uscita dell'epilogo finale, nel senso che non ho preso in considerazione l'intermezzo, per cui mi trovo a tre pagine dalla fine del fumetto e il calendario a zero.

Per cui per non posticipare l'uscita in toto, stasera pubblico proprio le tre pagine di Intermezzo che non avevo preso in considerazione nei miei calcoli.
Buona Lettura (e tra tre giorni l'Epilogo per intero).

The Pirate Balthasar - Intermezzo.

Okay, as I said I miscalculated but I still want to read something for this update so I will post here the two pages of the Intermezzo.
Then give me a couple more days and the epilogue will be up. :D

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

I miscalculated.

Sorry guys I miscalculated the release date... the countdown says it's only 2 days away from update but I did not calculate the Intermission pages in there so... I just released page 9 of the epilogue and it will end at 14.

Would you prefer if I uploaded a release with just the Intermission pages or wait 4 more days and have both the intermission and epilogue?

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Errata corrige

Hey guys in the next download you'll see that this page is actually different from the one I hosted on the comic websites.

As I browsed through the epilogue I realized that the Alidivento was facing the wrong way.
Sorry about that, it was so obvious it was truly ridiculous!